1: I survived my first semester of college. WOOOO! Finals were rough, but they're over. I did well in all of my classes... except American Heritage, which is the devil's class. I did pass it though! Best day ever when I walked out from taking that test.
2: Last semester I went to Idaho a few times and Vegas once. SO fun. Love visiting my family and getting out of Provo!
3: Went home for Christmas. SO fun. Wish I could go more often. It was a short two and a half weeks, but SO good to be in New York again. Savannah brought Brandon home for Christmas, so that was fun. Grandma and Grandpa went to St. George for the winter, so I only got to see them for like 2 days. It was just so good to be around little people and the elderly again. I love my family! I also spent a lot of time with my friends, it was so good to see everyone!
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Ella, Delainey and I |
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Kaylee and I |
4: I signed my contract for next year! I'll be living at Sparks II apartments with Johanna Hardy, Marissa Jay, Amy Daines, Ashley Rowe, and Shawnie Jones. I'm so excited! We'll be living in a two story apartment, kind of far from campus but we'll be getting exercise so life's good. They are the cutest apartments, I can't wait to move in!!
5: JON CAME HOME. In November. He's out at BYU now, it's so good to have him around! We have a class together and I, being the most amazing sister that I am, buy him lunch like everyday.... literally.
6: Classes this semester: Physics 121 (this is where all the handsome men have been hiding... and the nerds, be careful...), Stats 201 (worst teacher at BYU), First Year Writing (not too bad), Moral Leadership (the definition of busywork), and Book of Mormon (most inspiring class). Love my schedule, hate my homework (except when it gives me an excuse to talk to cute guys about the hard problems...).
7: My roommate (Lauren) and I wrote a book. It's about how dumb guys are. Mostly though it is advice for them to not be stupid. It says stuff in it like, "Just ask her on a freakin' date already," "Whisper sweet nothings in her ear," and "Wear cologne, for reals." Key advice. Mostly though, we were just frustrated at the male specimen at BYU because sometimes they are straight up dumb.
8: Savannah, Brandon, Jon, Remington and I took a trip to St. George to visit Grams! Cousin Kate and her kids were there as well (oh, and Pam and Mike!)! It was so fun! Rem, Jon and I jumped into a pool outside (in january!) there was ice on the top. It was oh so much fun!
9: Remington got his mission call!!! He is going to the Anaheim California Mission and will be speaking Vietnamese! He leaves May 23. So excited and proud of him! It was a hard hard hard day when he opened it. It's possible that I started crying in the middle of the JKB and the Cannon Center and the Budge hall lobby. Whoops.
10: Remington and I turned 19! So much fun! Hard not being back in New York, but my roommate and friends helped make it such a special day! At midnight Lauren, her boyfriend Justin, and his roommate/my friend Bret went to Denny's! So fun! For dinner a bunch of us went to the Brick Oven. SO yummy. I love my friends and I love sharing this day with my best friend!
11: Hung out with my old cast team Y6! A bunch of us went to the Hazens for a sunday and went to Ethan's farewell! SO fun! Love these people with my whole heart.
12: Probably the most important thing that has happened in my life thus far is that my roommate has gotten me hooked on the bachelor. What a great show. Terrible show, but so addictive, and I love it.
So that's my life to this point. I'm sure that I forgot some significant things.... can't really think of anything though. Things are going pretty well, this semester is FLYING by. Seriously.
Oh... and watch this, it will make your life:
Also this:
Life is great, life is hard, life is worth it.