Sunday, June 24, 2012

Blogging Sunday.

Life is pretty great. Today was just one of those sundays where you get so much out of church and everything is super relatable and your prayers get answered. In relief society we had a really great lesson that followed this amazing talk by President Uchtdorf. One thing that really stuck out to me was the forget not to be happy now. We can always find reasons to not be happy, and often people dwell on the bad things that are going on in their lives, but there are so many wonderful things in life to be happy about! Life is awesome and although there are some dumb things that happen, there are far too many great things to let the bad get in the way. I found a quote on pinterest a few weeks ago that has really been coming up in my thoughts lately, it's, "We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. (Joseph Campbell)" I think a lot of people, such as myself, have their lives planned out in their head and get disappointed when things don't work out, or don't do certain things because they don't think it's part of what they've planned. I know I've always had a very clear picture of how I want my life to be and I've started realizing how superficial and selfish it all is. You don't need a rockin' body, calvin klein model as a husband, perfect children, fancy cars and a huge house to be happy, all of those things would certainly be nice, but in reality life doesn't work out that way. It isn't the things that we have that make us happy, it's the experiences that we go through, the memories we make.

So far my summer has been pretty chill. I basically just work every week day and try not to die of boredom. I started answering phones at work and it scared me to death the first few days! Mostly I'm just terrible at talking to people. Work is fun though we joke around a lot and hid the cardboard cut out of Flow that we have in the office to try to scare people. Also, one of the girls I work with is pregnant, I'm so excited for her, except the fact that she has terrible not-just-morning-but-all-day sickness that I get to hear, yay.

I've had the opportunity of being able to babysit a lot this summer, whether it be the schaefer kids or my nephew and nieces. Kids are seriously the cutest! They say the most adorable things and are so carefree and fun!
Logan, Kaylee, and I.

Zeke Schaefer and I. He made me paint his nails.

Pageant starts in just under 2 weeks, I'm so excited! I'll be in cast team S4, so basically 19 year old girls and 18 year old, pre-mission guys. Mostly I'm just psyched to be able to take two weeks off of work and be able to be around a bunch of mormons again and all that fun stuff, because pageant is the best. 

This weekend, there was a YSA dance in Buffalo that Johanna, Katie and I went to. We met up with our Canadian friends that we met at Gathering in the Grove and they came home to good ol' bloomfield with us and we spent all of saturday together. There weren't many people at the dance, but we still made it a good time. After the dance we went to this huge playground and played grounders, so fun! On saturday, we made breakfast, played tennis, went swimming, watched I Am Legend, and just messed around, it was a lot of fun! They're the champ kind of friends. Too bad they live all the way in freaking Canada, what is with people. 
Emilio, Katie, JM, Jo, Me, Jesse.
6 people, 1 couch. 

Mostly life has just been pretty rad. I have about 2 months left before fall semester starts at BYU, I'm pretty excited to go back, but also enjoying the whole not having to take chemistry yet thing; and the whole no homework over the summer thing. 

Also loving this song lately.

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